Cowboys continue to disappoint their fans!

Once again out of frustration, I am going off course today and away from fishing to express my discontent with the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys. From the day I completed potty training, I was a Dallas Cowboy fan. I learned how to spell Cowboys before my own name.

Since being labeled “America’s Team,” they have become the most valuable franchise in all of sports. The Cowboys set the standard for winning all through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s with 5 Super Bowl Championships. So why am I so disappointed with “MY” Dallas Cowboys?

Let’s first begin by looking at their history. They have the all-time highest winning percentage in the history of the NFL at 57.4%. The Green Bay Packers are #2 at 57.2% followed by the Baltimore Ravens at 56.1%.  That being said, the Boys have not won a Super Bowl since January of 1996. That’s a drought of 28 years by a franchise that prides itself on winning Super Bowls.

So, what’s the problem? Why are the Cowboys no longer winning Super Bowls? Not only are they not getting to the Super Bowl, but they also aren’t even getting to the NFC championship game which determines who goes to the Super Bowl. Despite all the coaching changes since the late 90’s, Dallas is not any closer to winning a Super Bowl.

Of all the issues and the many excuses over the years, what is the one constant? We don’t have to look far…. it’s Jerry and Stephen  Jones. I’m all for family-owned businesses, but every now and then you must be able to recognize your weaknesses and be honest with yourself.

After so many years of failure, you would think they would look in the mirror and realize it’s time to bring in a real General Manager that knows football and can make educated decisions about selecting the coach and draft picks, and recommendations on who to hire for key positions within the organization. They need to put their ego’s aside and do what’s right for the organization. They owe that much to their fan base.

Ever since the worse divorce in all of sports between head coach Jimmy Johnson and team owner Jerry Jones, the Cowboys only have 5 playoff wins. Egos played a huge roll in the divorce, as neither were able to set aside their differences. Champaign bottles have remained in the wine cellar for 28 years since their last championship victory. We could dive deeper into the reasons Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson parted ways, but that would be a story for another day.

Since Jimmy left in 1995, the Cowboys won the Super Bowl the following year with head coach Barry Switzer. But it was Jimmy’s talent that allowed them to win their 5th Super Bowl. Since then, the Cowboys have hired one head coach after another looking for the secret recipe to winning a championship. Five other head coaches have come and gone including a coaching legend in Bill Parcells. The Cowboy fan base thought Coach Parcells would be the answer since he had won multiple Super Bowls and was a proven winner.

After being let go by Jerry Jones, the greatest departing quote ever heard came from Coach Parcells when he made the following comment at his final press conference, “They want me to cook the dinner, but I can’t shop for the groceries.” What a great analogy and shot directly at the owner Jerry Jones for his controlling and meddling of football operations. This is why the Cowboys need to hire a true General Manager.

For Cowboy fans, I think we are destined for failure as long as the Jones family is in charge. In 2008, in one of the last conversations I had with my dad, he said Jerry Jones would be the demise of the Dallas Cowboys due to his controlling nature as an owner. Sixteen years later, he’s been right so far.

The Cowboys have had great success in the regular season over the years, but for Cowboy fans that’s not good enough. Their recent three straight 12-4 seasons is not good enough. Most NFL organizations would be shouting from the roof tops with that kind of regular season success. But when it comes to the Dallas Cowboys, they are judged on winning Super Bowls, not just divisional titles.  

Steve Graf   Angler’s Perspective