Getting Your Sanity Back

Today I am going way off topic to give my perspective on what has become my own hot button issue….my sanity! The country we live in today is not one any of us thought we would ever see. The division, turmoil, and lack of respect for one another is off the chart.

People have lost their moral compass and the ability to see clearly. This has led to an erosion of our society and our sanity. But what can we do to change our own mental health? Is there something each of us can do to improve our outlook on life?

America has become a society of selfishness and what can you do for me. Our young generation of Millennials, for some reason, has no regard for our history, nor do they care. Everyone wants to erase our past, both good and bad. They don’t understand that destroying statues and monuments does not change the past. The only thing we can change is the future, by not repeating the same mistakes we made before.

On my weekly radio show, Hook’N Up & Track’N Down that’s been on air for the last 16 years, I made a promise to myself on three things. One, the show would not seek or promote alcohol companies for sponsorship. Two, I would not use the show as a political platform to express my personal viewpoints. I’ve always felt that no one wants to hear MY opinion on how they should think when it comes to political issues or who to vote for. The only exception to rule number two is if there’s a hot topic infringing on our right to hunt and fish.  Three, I would cover all things related to God’s great outdoors by educating and entertaining our loyal fans.

With so much negativity going on in this country, the question is, “How do we maintain our sanity?” I’m going to give some great advice on what you can do to help eliminate the depression and anxiety you feel. It’s a simple answer…. stop watching the news channels! Every day we are exposed to all the bad things going on, not just here in our country, but all over the world. You start to worry and stress yourself on things you have no control over.

Sure, we all want to make a difference, but if our own mental health is not good how can we help others? TV is the root of a lot of our mental health issues. Every single day, seven days a week, we are bombarded with political division, mass shootings, wars, and issues that it seems none of us can agree on or resolve. Every news station like CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, or any of the big three CBS, NBC, or ABC, has their own agenda and want you to think like they do whether it’s a conservative or liberal viewpoint.

A good friend of mine gave me some great advice one day as we talked about some political issues over lunch. Even though we don’t agree on many political viewpoints, I still respect his views because I respect him as a person. Sometimes we both have to agree to disagree, but we don’t hold our viewpoints (however different they might be) against one another. We can actually have a decent conversation about Trump or Biden and not walk away enemies. But one day he gave me some great advice as he told me to stop watching Fox News, even though they seem to fall more in line with my conservative views.

So, I decide to take his advice and take a break from ALL news stations. We should all take this advice and eliminate the fog in our brain that inhibits our ability to reason and make good decisions. After taking this advice, I found my mental outlook improved in a rather short time frame. Now I still watch the news channels, but in small doses. This doesn’t mean you can’t stay up to date on what’s taking place in our world but try watching more shows that promote good mental health.

For me  that would be hunting and fishing shows, along with collegiate and professional sports. For others, it might be cooking and home fixer up programs or if you really want that warm fuzzy feeling, watch the Hallmark channel!! This will always put you in a great mood especially during the holiday season where the leading man or woman ends up meeting the mate of their dreams and living happily ever after….ON EVERY EPISODE!!!!

From now on I’ll try and stick to writing more about my fishing adventures, but today I felt like this was something I needed to get off my chest. Till next time, remember…stop watching all the news channels and watch more programs that make you feel good. Your mind will thank you and you’ll get your sanity back.

Steve Graf                                                                                             Angler’s Perspective