August 7, 2024

The dog days of August are upon us and unless you live in Alaska, no one wants to be outside. But there's still a lot to talk about and I've got a few things on my mind that I need to get off my chest. So today, I'll give you my perspective on some topics that are both good and bad.

Football season is right around the corner which is hard to believe. NFL teams are right in the middle of training camp while college teams are reporting as we speak. High school teams are going through physicals and preparing to start their preseason training. But no matter who your favorite team is, the fact that August is here means fall and cooler temperatures are coming soon, which is my favorite time of year!

With the coming of fall, it's also the time of year where bass tournament anglers who have had good seasons are now preparing for their championship events. Fall fishing can be awesome and is probably my favorite time to fish, mainly because the lakes are not as crowded since a lot of guys are getting ready for deer season.

Next, what changes will tournament organizations like B.A.S.S. and Major League Fishing (MLF) make for the 2025 season? Of course, we are talking about the hottest topic of 2024 with regards to forward-facing sonar. B.A.S.S. has decide to limit the amount of overall screen size per boat to 60 inches. Meaning you'll be limited to the number of sonar units you can have on your boat.

So instead of 16- and 18-inch screens, some anglers will go back to five 12-inch screens. Another change for 2025, anglers will only be allowed one transducer per boat instead of three like some anglers have been running. This will have a bigger impact on the anglers than limiting their screen sizes. The jury is still out on MLF with regards to forward-facing sonar and we'll keep our ears open and will report any changes.... if they make any at all.

Next thing on my mind is the amount of cheating going on in tournament bass fishing today. Come on guys...really! If you must resort to cheating in order to win or do well in a bass tournament, you're a loser anyway. But until judges drop the hammer on these guys and really make them pay for their actions, cheating will continue.

Slapping these cheaters on the wrist with a small fine and picking up trash on the side of the road is not enough of a deterrent. Jail time should be automatic with heavy fines and a lifetime ban on fishing. Sounds harsh? These guys are committing fraud and should be punished accordingly.

We'll wrap it up with this. This year, it's come to my attention that more and more anglers are being diagnosed with skin cancer/melanoma. I continue to see a lot of anglers ignore or refuse to take any precautions by protecting themselves from the sun's harmful rays. Guys, I am an unfortunate example that we are not bullet proof and you need to do a better job of protecting yourselves.

Every angler out there should be making regular dermatologist appointments because the key to beating Melanoma is catching it early. Please take the time to protect yourself and find a dermatologist who can detect and treat any skin abnormalities. These regular appointments just might save your life.

Change how you dress for outdoor activities by wearing sun protective clothing and sunscreen. You might think it's overkill, but now is the time to change your apparel habits so that you can protect yourself from the number one cancer killer....Melanoma.

Till next time, good luck, good fishing and if you're not sure it's a bite, set the hook!

Steve Graf
Angler's Perspective