January 14th Weekly Tip

If you're headed to the boat show this weekend and looking to purchase a new or previously owned boat. Here's the first question you want ask yourself "What kind of water will I be fishing?" Are you fishing small bodies of water like our local cypress tree lakes or are you fishing BIG water like Toledo Bend or Sam Rayburn. The bigger the body of water the bigger the boat you should purchase. If you're fishing the BIG water lakes, I would look at nothing less than a 20 or 21 foot boat as they will handle rough water a lot better than a small 18 foot boat. But if you're fishing the smaller bodies of water, your perfectly fine with an 17 or 18 foot boat. The main thing is... just make sure the boat you are buying can handle the water you're fishing safely!!!! This has been your Seaguar Fishing Line Angler's Tip.