Surrounding Yourself with the Right People

As humans, we all want to be a part of a group. We want to feel like we belong to something, someone, or somewhere. Even as kids, it is important for one’s self-esteem to be a part of a click. Nothing is worse than to be excluded from your friends or co-workers. Today, we’ll talk about just how important it is for tournament anglers to be a part of a group and to have guys they can trust.

Trust is the key ingredient or the glue that all anglers must have within the click they run with. To be successful on the pro level, it’s important that you have a handful of guys that you can talk to about anything. Anglers you can trust to tell you the truth about how they might be catching fish. Guys that aren't trying to lead you astray and send you on a wild goose chase. 

But one thing an angler must avoid during the course of a tournament is listening to what is called “dock talk.” This is where guys are standing around a boat ramp, weigh-in, or at dinner and spreading false information about how they are catching fish with the intention to lead another angler down the wrong path. The best advice I’ve ever been given as an angler is never trust an angler you do not know and proceed with caution on anything they tell you. It’s a game anglers play every tournament hoping to give themselves an advantage. Anglers are the best liars on the planet and will do or say anything to gain an advantage.


 This is why it is so important that an angler find a group of guys he can travel with and trust. These are guys who will come to your rescue when you break down on the water or on the highway, guys who are willing to share their tackle when you need a bag of worms or a particular bait, guys you trust to tell the truth about what and how they might be catching fish.

 Finding that right circle of guys can be a challenge and it may take some time. But when you do, it can make your tournament experience so much more enjoyable and productive. Let’s face it, you’re never going to win every tournament, but your goal is always to finish in the money and collect a check.

 But understand, there’s always competition within the group. Even within your own click, you want to be the guy that finished the highest. The best clicks are the guys that will help one of their own to win a tournament when they are in position to do so.

Tournaments today are highly competitive and it’s very difficult to be successful on your own. Anglers that have that circle of guys they can rely on, will have a greater chance for success. Even though pro fishing is not always a team sport, having guys you can share accurate information with is a huge advantage.

For years we’ve all heard how the key to success is to surround yourself with the right people. Professional bass fishing is no different and now you can see that being a part of the right click can lead to success on the tournament trail. Till next time, good luck, good fishing, and when in doubt, set the hook!

 Steve Graf                                                                                         Angler’s Perspective