May 1st Weekly Tip

Most anglers run from the wind, we tend to look for a place with little to no wind most of the time. We seek refuge in a pocket or cove where the wind will allow us to fish the way we want. But great anglers figure out how to make Mother Nature work for them. They look for the windblown banks and pick up a crankbait, spinnerbait or maybe they just switch to a heavier sinker. No matter what the technique, anglers have learned that wind blown banks tend to have active fish. The wind stirs the water column and moves plankton which in turn brings in the bait fish which then brings in the bass. So the next time you're tired of fighting the wind, don't fight Mother Nature, use the wind to your advantage and look for a wind blown bank and you just might be rewarded with a live well full of bass!!! This has been your Seaguar Fishing Angler's Tip!!!!